1. FsPassengersとは?





もし貴方がその一歩を踏み出そうとするなら…「インスタントレコード設定」で会社を作ることから始めます。これが何を意味するするのでしょう?これは貴方が一つのフライトを終えた時に自動的にフライト結果を記録されるということなのです。もう「取り消しボタン」はありません! もしパイロットが(事故で)亡くなってしまったら最初からやり直さなくてはなりません。

この「インスタントレコード設定」をした時から、副操縦士の「間違ってるぞぉ!」という叫び声を聞いた時や(自分が実際にその声を聞いた感覚では自分は機長席に座っている訓練生の様な感じで怒鳴られます。迫力あるドスの効いた英語です。 一方キャビンアテンダントさんの英語は可愛らしいセクシーな英語です。)、悪天候の着陸に遭遇した時には、貴方のガッツは萎えてしまうかもしれません…。貴方は今(自分勝手なフライトで得てきたもの)すべてを失うのです。もちろん「インスタントレコード設定」を解除しパイロットを死なせる危険をなくしてFsPassengerの利点のみを使うことも出来ます。




これからは自分の感想です→ 何となくでしょうが…この序文をお読みになってみるとFsPassengersがどの様なソフトであるのかが推測できると思います。墜落しても壊れない飛行機…どんな操縦をしても驚かない乗客…では、操縦に緊張感が欠けているということだと思います。これを補って実際のフライトに近づけようとするのが、このソフトの目的のようです。加えて、このソフトがあれば自分一人で飛んでいるのではなく、貴方の隣には怖い副操縦士が、キャビン内には乗客と愛しいキャビンアテンダントさんもいます。ですから責任を持ってキャプテンとしての行動を取らざるを得なくなってきます。ちなみに自分の場合、今では、これなしにフライトをするなんて考えられません。)

How will FsPassengers modify your way of flying (原文)
FS2004 lacks the feeling of responsibility: the feeling that decisions, actions or mistakes have consequences on your flight performance. FS2004 provides you with an empty and dead world where nobody cares if you do three loops in a 747, land on grass or crash every flight. Because of this, you really miss the feeling of flying a real airplane after a few FS2004 flights. Some simulator pilots could fly for years making terrible flight errors without ever finding out that they were doing something wrong. FsPassengers fixes that.

The main goal of FsPassengers is to complement FS2004 by giving you a complete environment in which you will be penalized for poor procedures/decisions, and rewarded when you perform well.

Now, you have passengers in your aircraft and you are responsible for their safety and comfort… and they will let you know if you do something wrong! With FsP the way you fly has a direct impact on your pilot’s rank and on your company’s income and reputation. Your career and company growth will depend on your ability to comply with most “real world” flight rules while satisfying your passengers’ needs and expectations.

If you want to push it one step further, you can create a company with the “instant record” setting. This means that your flights are automatically recorded when completed. No more undo buttons and if you pilot dies in a crash, you must start over. With this setting enabled, your guts will turn when you will hear your copilot declare a failure or if you encounter bad weather on approach. You now have everything to lose. Of course you
can always disable the “instant record” and still enjoy the benefits of FsPassengers without the risk of losing your pilot (to say nothing of your passengers!).

FsPassengers also provides you with a number of features missing from FS2004 such as: GPWS; cabin announcements; random failures; ATC chatter and; the ability to enter autopilot values, radio frequencies or instrument values with the keyboard. These features were created with a unique behavior: most sounds will not play in external view because, in reality, you would not hear cockpit sounds outside the aircraft.

In FsPassengers, you will also be subjected to many unique failures that you would never encounter in FS2004. FS2004 failures are set by users and you are aware of what and even when a failure will occur. In FsP, failures are generated randomly. Most FsP failures will provide some advance warning. Just like real world pilots, you now must continuously monitor your instruments panel to ensure that all is well. For example, an increase in engine oil temperature could lead to an engine failure on approach…

FsPassengers renews your approach to simflying. After many years of flying only on a simulator I personally took some flying lessons. One of the greatest moments of my life was when I flew my first solo. For the first time in the aircraft, I was solely responsible for my life. That is the feeling that I wanted to reproduce through FsPassengers.

medkid all rights reserved
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